Welcome to the Warden and the Wolf King

Good Monday, dear readers! This year in the Ban Rona Book Club we've been reading and posting through the whole Wingfeather Saga, starting from a little homey cottage in Glipwood and following the Igibys on their journeys from wonder to danger, from safety to exile, from their little township to the Ice Prairies to the Green Hollows.Last week we finished book three and today we begin book four. If you've been following along, welcome back! And if you haven't, you're still welcome to jump in at any time. The forums are wide open for anyone to play in. :-) And if you feel like binging the series this week to catch up with us, or have read the books before but it's been a year or two, that's okay too.

Fan Art

Would you like to see your art on the official Wingfeather site? We'd love to see what's happening in your imagination as you read these books. Just send your art to Andrew via the Art By You page. :-)

This week, Madame Sidler will be reading chapters 1-6 ofย The Warden and the Wolf King. See you on Friday for an excerpt, and all week in the forums!