Marvelous Light + Happy Birthday

Last week we finished up our book club reading of North! Or Be Eaten. This week we'll launch into the third book in the series, The Monster in the Hollows. I LOVE reading with you Featherheads! But before we start book three, let's linger for another few minutes over a beautifulness from the end of book two—a beautifulness that inspired a song.Ellie Holcomb, a songwriter friend of Andrew's, writes:

This song ["Marvelous Light"] was actually inspired by one of Andrew Peterson’s characters from The Wingfeather Saga, an old man by the name of Podo Helmer. Without giving anything away, he spent most of his life trying to hide his past, & one day all of his secrets are exposed in front of the very people he was trying to hide them from. Can you imagine? All of the things you’re most ashamed of, thrown out into the light for everyone you love and respect to see. My shoulders were tight as I read. After this intense scene, Andrew writes this about Podo:

“He moved through the days in peace and wonder, for his whole story had been told for the first time, and he found that he was still loved.”Oh how this resonated with me.

Ellie says (as many songwriters do, Andrew included) that she writes the songs she needs to hear. If you are also afraid of what might happen if people knew your darkest places, maybe this song will help you, too, believe the truth.Thank you so much, Ellie.

This week, Madame Sidler will be reading chapters 1-6 of The Monster in the Hollows. If you need a copy so you can read along, click here. See you on Friday for our first excerpt—and all week in the forum!


TODAY is our dear author's birthday. We are celebrating him all day long! You are invited—come to the party! :-D