Four characters: a review

Author and reviewer Emma Fox wrote up her favorite Wingfeather characters awhile ago. Here's what she had to say about Oskar:

Oskar’s shop is more than a bookstore. It’s a treasure-trove of wisdom and folklore; a reminder of the way life used to be in Aerwiar, before the Great War’s desolation.

Like one of Tolkein’s hobbits, Oskar’s simple, homely exterior conceals a brave and loyal heart.

Read her take on three other characters at her blog, here. And I'll echo her post's closing questions: Who are your favorite literary characters, from Wingfeather or elsewhere? What makes them stand out and come alive to you?

Walking on Water: Chapter 5 this week! Join us in the forum for some good conversation.

Andrew on tour: Andrew's got six shows around the U.S. over the next couple of weeks, and then he's off to the U.K.! Find out if he's coming near you via his music site.