Fan art VIDEO!

Dear Featherheads, I hope you've been listening along as Andrew reads to us these last few weeks! It is so fun to hear his voices (and see him giggle to himself at the things he wrote so many years ago) and to see all of the comments—some from long-time readers, some from first-time listeners. I love getting to experience these books all together. :-)

I also love seeing all the new fan art listeners have been posting for Andrew! And he's loving it, too. He was trying to show off art at the beginning of each night, but there is so much of it that last week he had to stop and make a ton of it into this video. Look at all that beauty—drawings and faces. :-)

Hope to see you all there tonight! 7:30 Central on Andrew's Facebook and YouTube pages. (The YouTube stream is more reliable, so if you've been on FB and had glitchy troubles, head to YouTube.)

Can you spot some art of your own in this video? Leave us a comment to tell us how to spot it, too! (With permission, if your face is in the photo!) And if you make any more art, maybe he'll make another video. ;-)