BRBC week 46: Let the light out

Dear readers, I am glad that this is not The End.I've picked a very short snippet for our last excerpt of the book club. It burned in my heart.

Janner lay awake for a long time. He thought about the Fane of Fire, just on the other side of the ancient door, where the world was made of light. He wished they could open that door and let the light out.
Discussion: I'm so glad to know more of you now than I did at the beginning of the year. Thanks for joining in on our forum discussions! I'm looking forward to knowing you better as we keep hanging out.Thoughts about the end of the series? Come talk with us here or here.BTLOG: If you would like to see the livestream from the Ryman show this year, there are tickets available. You'll be able to watch the recorded video through the end of January.