A new welcome

Featherheads, Flabbits, and Fendril-riders!

We at Team Wingfeather have been hard at work all summer long—digging through the archives, sorting and piling up what we find, making lists of lists of other lists—and result is now before you. Andrew charted our course, Christie kept us coordinated, I (Madame Sidler) researched lore, and our intrepid web designer Leslie put all the pieces together. We're excited to welcome you to the brand-new Wingfeather Saga dot com.

You'll notice a few changes around here besides the new look. A lot of the good content we've been building for years is still here, just organized to help you find it more easily. But we've also added a lot of new content to the Encyclopedia (with more coming!), plus an actual pronunciation guide, some character bios, new maps, and even a store right here on the site! We’ve also got plans to update the fan art page—which you get to contribute to. And that part makes us all excited.

Speaking of fan art, Andrew made a fun announcement on social media yesterday. If you haven’t seen that, click here, and pay special attention to announcement #3. (And stay tuned for updates on #2!). For an update on announcement #1, click here to watch the new video just posted today.

So welcome back! Go make some art. Explore the site. :-) And if you need anything... I'll be around. ;-)
